DWA Returns To Fortnightly Publication
Monday, 3 June 2013 - Reported by John Bowman
It comes just two months after a relaunch for the magazine and follows a slight rise in circulation.
In a statement to Doctor Who News today, publisher Immediate Media Co said:
Previously on sale every Thursday, from Wednesday 5th June Doctor Who Adventures will become a fortnightly publication, on sale every other Wednesday. The move will allow the editorial team to put more into every issue, making each one more of an event.
Doctor Who Adventures magazine will continue to be available at a wide range of retailers and newsagents across the UK and is now also available as an iPad and iPhone app.
Despite the changes, the Doctor Who Adventures team will remain the same but we are no longer offering subscriptions to the title.
Any subscribers owed money will receive refunds, added a spokeswoman for Immediate Media.Doctor Who Adventures magazine will continue to be available at a wide range of retailers and newsagents across the UK and is now also available as an iPad and iPhone app.
Despite the changes, the Doctor Who Adventures team will remain the same but we are no longer offering subscriptions to the title.
DWA began life as a fortnightly magazine in 2006, becoming a weekly in 2008.
Issue 322 - the first of the new fortnightly editions - has a time-traveller's notebook and pen as its free gift, with the features including Jenna-Louise Coleman spilling on-set secrets, plus there's the chance to win a VIP trip to the Doctor Who Experience.