DVD Update: Cybermen 'invade' Autumn
Thursday, 2 May 2013 - Reported by Chuck Foster
After the announcement last week of its inclusion in Doctor Who: Regeneration, the individual release of The Tenth Planet itself has now been announced for 18th November. Unlike the June collection, this release will feature the usual range of extras that accompany the Doctor Who releases as well as the the new Planet 55 Studios animated episode four (one extra being the original reconstruction of episode four made for its VHS release in 2000).
With these announcements, the release schedule for the year in the United Kingdom currently looks like this:
6th May: | The Visitation (Special Edition) |
20th May: | Series 7 Part 2 (DVD/Blu-ray) |
27th May: | Inferno (Special Edition) |
27th May: | Dr Who and the Daleks/Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150AD (DVD/Blu-ray) (Aaru movies, released by Studio Canal) |
3rd June: | The Mind of Evil |
24th June: | Doctor Who: Regeneration (coffee-table book/DVD set of The Tenth Planet, The War Games, Planet of the Spiders, Logopolis The Caves of Androzani, Time and the Rani, Doctor Who: The Movie, Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, and The End of Time) |
8th July: | The Monster Collection (individual themed DVDs: Cybermen, Davros, Silurians, Sontarans, The Daleks and The Master) |
15th July: | Spearhead from Space (Blu-ray) |
5th August: | The Green Death (Special Edition) |
26th August: | The Ice Warriors (animated episodes two+three) |
16th September: | Scream of the Shalka |
30th September: | Terror of the Zygons |
21st October: | The Moonbase (animated episodes one+three) |
18th November: | The Tenth Planet (animated episode four) |
DWM also reports that the only other currently known surviving episode, the second part of The Underwater Menace, seems likely to be released in 2014, though its presentation currently remains unknown; Frazer Hines indicated in issue 458 that he had recorded a commentary for the episode/story.