Roundup (current series)

Friday, 2 November 2012 - Reported by Chuck Foster

In Production

Neil Gaiman with Jenna-Louise Coleman. Photo: Neil GaimanThis week saw the read-through for episode twelve, written by Neil Gaiman; the writer commented on the experience over the last few days on Twitter: "Amazing hectic couple of days and stressed Doctor Who post-table-read rewrite in progress. On BBC legal advice Lampwick is no more." The read-through also gave him the chance to meet new girl Jenna-Louise Coleman!

Matt Smith praised Gaiman's script at the London MCM Expo: "It's very different, but again I think it will be a fan's favourite because, well, without giving anything away, it just will be, because there's something in it. Neil's brilliant ideas will always add a level to Doctor Who, which will be interesting."

One guest star for the episode will be Tamzin Outhwaite, who according to her CV will be playing the role of Capt Alice. A former EastEnders actress, other lead roles include Red Cap (2003), Hotel Babylon (2006), The Fixer (2008) and Paradox (2009). Asked about her role by Flicks and the City earlier in October, she said: "I'd like to play a baddie, but I haven't done a goodie for a while, so it'll be nice to play a goodie."

Another actor confirmed for the episode is Calvin Dean, whose CV indicated a character name of Ha-Ha (now removed); speaking on Twitter he said: "wow. things get out so quickly on here. So much for being secretive!". The actor was critically acclaimed for his role as Darren Mullet in Tormented, but is also familiar to the Doctor Who world, having played "Chris" in The Sarah Jane Adventures story The Gift.

Former singing contestant on The X Factor Zoe Alexander hopes that her appearance in episode seven (2013#3) will kick off an acting career: "It's great to be working on Doctor Who - the people are a lot nicer than some you get to meet working in TV. I'm loving it but I'm hoping that this is just a start for me." [WalesOnline, 30 Oct 2012]

Regular monster/extra Matthew Doman has also been involved; on Tuesday he said: "Sitting in the changing rooms ready to Don my new monster costume for the WHO. A week of monstering WOO HOO!!"; today, he added: "Our Monster is coming close to the final wrap on this ep of Dr WHO :( It's ok I'm monstering again Sunday for the Dr WHO Experience ;) ha ha"

Episode six is undergoing editing, with director Colm McCarthy indicating yesterday that there's about two weeks to go. It's certainly busy work, with McCarthy commmenting this morning: "Got into the edit at 6AM. Started shouting "INCEPTION CAT!" at the editor at 6.05AM. Directing is hard."; he then added: "Temp music is fun when you have a bin full of genius thanks to Murray Gold".

Another actor identified for episode six (2013#1) is Robert Whitelock, whose CV indicates he plays a character named Mahler. The actor is about to appear as DC John Attwood in the second series of The Hour.

Meanwhile, Rachael Stirling talked about her recent filming experience in Doctor Who with her mother, Dame Diana Rigg: "We filmed Doctor Who in the summer, which was amazing. It's a juggernaut, I got to see all sorts of secret things I can't tell you about or I'll have to shoot you! Working with my mum was funny - I think it was a good experience for both of us, we really loved it; I was very proud of her and she said likewise, and that something we'll always remember. Working with Matt was gorgeous, he's brilliant, he's got that wonderful energy, I think he's a really admirable, brilliant man!" [Sky Tyne and Wear Video, 1 Nov 2012]

Matt Smith on the Steve Wright Show

Matt Smith on the Steve Wright ShowMatt Smith was a guest on the Steve Wright Show on Monday afternoon, during which he managed to avoid giving away anything about the Christmas Special! "I can say it's set in Victorian England, we meet a Doctor who's been profoundly changed by the experiences before from losing the Ponds ... and into his life walks Jenna-Louise Coleman's character and off they go on new adventures!"

Talking about the series in general, he said: "I think that the Doctor is the same character fundamentally, that's why we tune in to watch the show, because there's a mad man who turns up and saves the universe with a ball of string and a toaster, and that's kind of it. That's why it's been going for fifty years - at its core and its heart beat that's what it's about. Of course it is going to evolve with CGI and now you get a bit more culture perhaps - but then is it more cultured, I don't know? I think sometimes there can be too much CG and 3D and all that sort of stuff can get a bit overwhelming. Hopefully you can be a bit more inventive with the stories and actually go and create space, or you can go back to Victorian England in a way that 40/50 years ago was more difficult to do."

Looking to next year, he said: "We're very fortunate to have Mr Steven Moffat, who's a complete genius, he really is. I've just read episode one of the next season and you think ... and there're some brilliant ideas in it, there's a moment in it which involves wheels - that is an exclusive, an actual honest exclusive! - and when you watch it you'll go ahhh. It's him, being brilliant."

Into the Future - 50th Anniversary

Peter Davison talks about the 50th Anniversary: "Every day I check the phone to see if Steven Moffat has called me! I don't know what’s happening next year, I have nothing to report. I'm sure it will be something fantastic! But I don't know what. I think if [the classic Doctors] aren't invited, I'm going to make my own rival video. I'll do my own 50th anniversary special. Colin Baker's prepared to work for nothing!" [ComicBookResources, 26 Oct]

Meanwhile, the special documentary for the Anniversary seems to have fallen foul of recent revelations, according to the latest edition of Private Eye (number 1326): "As the sound of stable doors slamming shut resounds around the BBC the Jimmy Savile scandal is having some increasingly bizarre after-effects. A one-off docudrama about the creation of Doctor Who scripted by Mark Gatiss is in production, to be broadcast in November 2013 in celebration of the programme's 50th anniversary. Its makers have just been ordered to excise all scenes set in Television Centre dressing rooms."

Into the Future - cast/crew aspirations

Deep Space Nine actor Aron Eisenberg has said that he'd like to be in the show, especially if Peter Jackson does direct! "If they called me I'd be there. I want to to play some fun, interesting, crazy little character. I would love to get into something really fun and cool. It would be awesome. Doctor Who is on my Netflix queue, There's so many things on my Netflix queue, I still haven't been able to see Game of Thrones." [Waikato Times, 20 Oct]

As well as Jackson, Matt Smith continues to add to his wishlist of directors for the series: "Danny Boyle, I would just have a heart attack if he came anywhere near Doctor Who. I would love it. He's one of my favourite filmmakers around. He'd be an amazing director for Doctor Who, but I don't think we'd get him. I'll tell you who I'd also think would be great. Edgar Wright. He'd do something brilliant. I think he'd do something really, really clever with it." [Digital Spy, 31 Oct 2012]

Danny Boyle's collaborator for the Olympics Opening Ceremony, Frank Cottrell Boyce, would also like to write for the series: "I'm always slightly aggrieved that I never got asked to write for Doctor Who - that's in the same league (as the Olympics). I'd jump at that." [Digital Spy, 31 Oct 2012]

(with thanks to Ruther, Sky Tyne&Wear)

FILTER: - People - Matt Smith - Peter Davison - Series 7/33