More Series 7 Episode Titles Revealed
Monday, 16 July 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
Said to be needing one of the largest sets to date, the second episode is called Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, while the Western-themed episode three, which was shot on location in Spain, has been confirmed as A Town Called Mercy.
Meanwhile, at the San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend, it was also announced that episode four is called Cubed.
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship has been written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein. It co-stars Mark Williams as Rory's dad, Brian, and Rupert Graves. A Town Called Mercy, co-starring Adrian Scarborough and Ben Browder, has been written by Toby Whithouse and again directed by Saul Metzstein.
Showrunner Steven Moffat said:
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship - what more do you need? The Doctor will come face to face with some of the most monstrous creatures evolution has ever produced, on some of the most monstrous sets we've ever built. We took one look at Chris Chibnall's brilliant script and said to ourselves: "We're going to need a bigger corridor".
And Toby Whithouse's A Town Called Mercy takes us into a genre Doctor Who hasn't attempted since the Sixties - it's a full-blooded Western. We knew from the start we needed some serious location shooting for this one, and given the most iconic American setting imaginable there was only one place to go - Spain.
Cubed, which has also been written by Chris Chibnall, is being directed by Douglas Mackinnon. Principal photography on it has now been completed.And Toby Whithouse's A Town Called Mercy takes us into a genre Doctor Who hasn't attempted since the Sixties - it's a full-blooded Western. We knew from the start we needed some serious location shooting for this one, and given the most iconic American setting imaginable there was only one place to go - Spain.
The title of the first episode of Series 7 was revealed last month to be Asylum of the Daleks.
The show returns later this year with a run of five episodes followed by the Christmas special and a further eight episodes in 2013. Asylum of the Daleks is to be premiered at the BFI in London on Tuesday 14th August. It will also be shown during the Edinburgh International Television Festival, which runs from 23rd to 25th August.