Bonhams Auction Results Announced
Sunday, 8 July 2012 - Reported by John Bowman

The quad poster promoting the 1966 movie Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. had been given an estimate of £300 to £400 in the run-up to the Entertainment Memorabilia sale held at Bonhams in Knightsbridge last Tuesday.
The auction also saw costumes from two David Tennant-era Doctor Who stories sell for sums above their estimates, while another Tennant-era one went for less.
Two Roboform costumes from The Runaway Bride, pictured below left, went for £1,000 (estimate: £400 to £500). One of the outfits is believed to have been worn by Tennant's Doctor as a disguise costume during the episode. A maid's costume from Tooth And Claw, pictured below centre, sold for £225 (estimate: £100 to £150), while a Slab guard costume from Smith and Jones, pictured below right, fetched £237 (estimate: £300 to £400).