Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular this weekend
Friday, 3 February 2012 - Reported by Chuck Foster

The two hour concert will be presented by actor Mark Sheppard, and conducted by Doctor Who stalwart Ben Foster, with composer Murray Gold on piano. Choral aspects of the performance will be by the Concordis Chamber Choir, led by Chorus Master Andrew Hunter, with solos undertaken by Antoinette Halloran (soprano) and Tobias Cole (counter-tenor).
There will be two performances taking place, one at 2:00pm and the other at 7:00pm. At the time of writing both performances are sold out.
A musical celebration with the Doctor on the big screen and a host of live monsters including Daleks, Cybermen and The Silence invading the venue. Inspired by the BBC Doctor Who Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ben Foster, will premiere Murray Gold's amazing music from the last two seasons of the legendary BBC series.

A photocall for the concert took place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, featuring a Dalek, Cyberman and Silent.

Gold was also interviewed by the Australian, chatting about his career in television and films.