Tom Baker at Elisabeth Sladen Book Launch
Thursday, 10 November 2011 - Reported by Marcus

The event, held at the Experience's current home at Olympia in London, will feature fourth Doctor, Tom Baker talking about his memories of working with Sladen alongside Terrance Dicks, who was Script Editor of Doctor Who when Sladen was cast, and Sadie Miller, Elisabeth Sladen's daughter.
Hosted by TV Choice magazine's Ben Lawrence, the event will be held in the screening room at the Doctor Who Experience at 2.30pm on November 26th. It is free to enter for ticket holders to The Doctor Who Experience, who have an entry ticket for 12.30pm, 1pm or 1.30pm.
Bookings can be made via See Tickets. When selecting the relevant time slot you will be given the option to select Elisabeth Sladen book launch entry.