Doctor Who Encyclopedia available for iPad

Wednesday, 2 November 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
BBC Books have released an Apple iPad application for the Doctor Who Encyclopedia to tie in with the revised hardback edition that was published on 15th October:
Written by former Doctor Who script editor Gary Russell, the app is the ultimate guide to seven years of thrilling Doctor Who adventures, which includes up to date information on every episode since the show’s return to our screens in 2005.

It allows you to scroll your way through a complete A-Z of the show and explore and search thousands of entries by series or episode. You will discover the Doctor’s fiercest enemies, closest allies and key places and objects and have the opportunity to preview and buy those must-have episodes.

The app contains over 3000 entries and each entry includes links to episodes, people, places and objects that relate to it. Additionally, each entry has an episode reference, allowing you to search the Encyclopedia by episode or series – so you can find out all you ever need to know about the Doctor, his allies, enemies and everywhere he’s ever visited. You can also preview episodes and buy your favourites directly from iTunes.

The app also contains 11 unique portals - special interactive entries, for the Doctor, Amy, Rory, River and other major characters in the show. The Doctors’ portal uses parallax technology which allows users to move their iPad to scroll through a 3D environment, featuring the Doctor’s closest companions and deadliest enemies.
The application was developed by Brandwidth in partnership with BBC Books and is available as a number of downloads, with the initial purchase covering the Eleventh Doctor. Additional downloads can then be purchased to cover the Ninth and Tenth Doctor era.

Albert DePetrillo, Senior Editorial Director at BBC Books, commented:
The Doctor Who Encyclopedia offers a completely immersive digital reading experience, offering fans a stunning variety of navigational possibilities as they explore the world of the Doctor. In its simple and intuitive design, as well as its intelligent and elegant execution, the digital Encyclopedia is pure Doctor Who and I am very proud to be publishing it on the BBC Books list.

Further details on the Doctor Who Encyclopedia can be found on its website, and BBC Books can also be followed on Twitter with the Encyclopedia being discussed via the #WhoiPad tag.

Doctor Who Encyclopedia iPad video trailer, via YouTube

There are no immediate plans for the application to be released for other media devices such as Android or Windows-based tablets.

FILTER: - Doctor Who - Books - BBC