DVD release/production roundup
Friday, 7 October 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster

- Invasion of the Dinosaurs and The Android Invasion (to be released together as the UNIT Boxed Set in the UK) are listed for 10th January
- The Sensorites is listed for 14th February
- The Robots of Death, The Three Doctors, Tomb of the Cybermen Special Editions are listed for 13th March (the final three making up the Revisitations 3 boxed set in the UK)
The latest edition of Doctor Who Magazine confirmed the commentaries for the forthcoming UNIT Boxed Set. Invasion of the Dinosaurs will feature Richard Franklin (Mike Yates), Peter Miles (Whitaker), Terence Wilton (Mark), Paddy Russell (director), Terrance Dicks (script editor) and Richard Morris (designer). The Android Invasion will feature Philip Hinchcliffe (producer), Milton Johns (Crayford), Martin Friend (Styggron), and Marion McDougal (production assistant). Both commentaries are moderated by Toby Hadoke.
Details of production of future releases have continued to emerge, mainly via the social communication tool Twitter; a breakdown of these details can be found below, but in brief:
- an audio reconstruction of episodes three and four of Planet of Giants has been recorded
- a documentary "Remembering Barry Letts" will feature on The Daemons
- a tribute to Nicholas Courtney is being produced, featuring many interviews with the actor himself
The Restoration Team on Twitter:
17 Sep Classic DW Early artwork in for THE SENSORITES. Looking tremendous!
6 Sep Peter Crocker Very distracting vertical jitter successfully banished from 1971 episode
17 Sep Classic DW Signed off wonderful Barry Letts doc from Ed Stradling.
Lovely interview from family, Terrence et al. Look out for it on THE DAEMONS.
23 Sep Ed Stradling I have to finish the Barry Letts obit programme today.
Clock is ticking and some graphics and keying still to do.
23 Sep Ed Stradling Barry was interviewed against a reflecmedia chromatte screen so I use
either their own Mattenee keyer or Keylight in After Effects
23 Sep Ed Stradling Do people think "Letts Remember Barry" is a good title for the
obit programme? Or too corny? Other suggestions welcome, I'm crap at titles.
25 Sep Peter Crocker First phase of restoration on "The Daemons" complete;
now awaits grading at TV Centre.
25 Sep Ed Stradling Talking of VAM, the Daemons extras are currently being graded at TV Centre.
26 Sep Ed Stradling Another DVD feature now delivered. "Remembering Barry Letts" edited
on Media Composer and due for inclusion on "The Daemons" DVD.
26 Sep Restoration Team Grading and compilation complete on Daemons VAM package,
including the test that started it all...
27 Sep Classic DW Daemons VAM all finished and ready to deliver to 2e within the next few weeks!
30 Sep Chris Chapman Have popped into the office to back up today's rushes -
looking and sounding lovely! Particularly happy about Reign of Terror...
4 Oct Chris Chapman On train to Newcastle to spend the rest of the week editing -
should be on the content cut of Reign of Terror by Thursday...
4 Oct Chris Chapman In a piece of news that few will find interesting, I intend to call
The Reign of Terror doco 'Don't Lose Your Head'. Carry on!;-)
5 Oct Ed Stradling Off to studio shortly for the re-recording of dialogue for
Planet of Giants part 3 - and 4.
5 Oct Toby Hadoke is off to act in a Dr Who story which has never been seen in its
original, complete form ... until now! The surviving cast are on board too.
5 Oct Toby Hadoke Forester.
5 Oct Ed Stradling Tom Spilsbury, Donald Wilson thought it was dull.
He also thought The Web Planet wasn't.
5 Oct Ed Stradling Planet of Giants going very well. Will use Gary Gillatt's urge to live gag
in the VAM or else he'll put it in the DWM review :)
5 Oct Ed Stradling Willam Russell and Carole Ann Ford in the studio with Katherine Mount
and John Guilor for Planet of Giants http://t.co/b4CIEfE7
26 Aug Chris Chapman Doctor Who shoot for next Wednesday pretty much all good to go!
8 interviews confirmed, with 2 floaters which should be sorted by Monday...
26 Aug Chris Chapman
The 8 interviewees are: 3 companions, 1 script editor,
1 visual effects assistant, 1 production assistant, 1 historian and 1 spaceman!
1 Sep Chris Chapman Capturing in yesterday's footage. Interviewees included
Ian Reddington, Sophie Aldred, Tim Combe and William Russell!
3 Sep Chris Chapman BTW, when I interviewed William Russell last week, I told him about
'Ian and Babs married and immortal' and he seemed genuinely touched.:-)
7 Sep Ed Stradling last chance for any fans to tweet me any questions for former
BBC Head of Series Ronnie Marsh, we're interviewing him tomorrow!
13 Sep Chris Chapman Filming on Thursday features two actors, two production assistants,
one assistant designer, one friend, a singer and a lovely backdrop!
15 Sep Chris Chapman The end of a very successful day's filming.
Beautiful weather and lovely guests. Assume you'll see the doco next year.:-)
19 Sep Ed Stradling Back in London after interviewing four companion actors for upcoming DVD
at the Regenerations event in Swansea this weekend
20 Sep Chris Chapman Today, I interviewed Tom Baker for an upcoming DVD - and he was fabulous!
30 Sep Chris Chapman Today's interviewees were... a director, three designers, two companions,
two monsters, a vision mixer and a son of somebody!
30 Sep Chris Chapman To tease you further, we were filming content for FOUR
different Who stories today. My brain is a jumble of jumbles!
1 Oct Chris Chapman So a rundown of yesterday's classic Who guests:
Interviewee 1 - a designer - told me about burning shreds of big top
flying through the air!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who Interviewee 2 - a monster - was the single biggest man
I have ever met, and he shed a tear on camera!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 3 - a director - claimed at the outset that
he remembered nothing, yet he remembered EVERYTHING!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 4 - a 60s companion - told me that nothing ever happened
between her and another 60s companion, despite the rumours!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 5 - a designer - came all the way from North Wales and
giggled about sneaking photos of glamour girls onto Doctor Who sets!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 6 - another 60s Who companion - was the best I've
ever heard her and did lots of mad impressions!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 7 - the son of someone famous - wore a posh suit and
told us what it was like to be 6 years old and terrified by his father!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 8 - another monster - told us an AMAZING story
about William Hartnell tap-dancing!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 9 - a vision mixer - explained how a button she pressed
changed the whole history of Doctor Who!
1 Oct Chris Chapman Who interviewee 10 - yet another designer - thought so-and-so was a bit
over-the-top and that the director was a proper moaner!
3 Oct Thomas Guerrier Extreme editing some classic Doctor Who this morning.
3 Oct Ed Stradling I'm now editing the Nick Courtney tribute feature, consisting largely
of interviews with the great man himself.