UK DVD release update
Monday, 8 August 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster

Day of the Daleks
Release Date: 9th September 2011 (available for pre-order)
Starring Jon Pertwee as Doctor Who, with Katy Manning as Jo Grant
Written by Louis Marks
Directed by Paul Bernard
Broadcast: 1st January - 22 January 1972
World peace hangs in the balance and Sir Reginald Styles, a high-ranking diplomat, is the only person that stands between mankind and a third and final World War. But a mysterious and savage guerrilla force from the 22nd Century believe Styles is the agent that shaped their terrifying future and therefore must die...
The Doctor and Jo find themselves flung into the guerrillas’ world; a brutal dictatorship policed by the merciless and ape-like Ogrons. The Daleks have invaded Earth, enslaved the population and face certain triumph unless the Doctor betrays all he believes in and condones the cold-blooded murder of Styles in an attempt to change the course of history... forever.
Special Features
Disk 1
Release Date: 9th September 2011 (available for pre-order)

Written by Louis Marks
Directed by Paul Bernard
Broadcast: 1st January - 22 January 1972
World peace hangs in the balance and Sir Reginald Styles, a high-ranking diplomat, is the only person that stands between mankind and a third and final World War. But a mysterious and savage guerrilla force from the 22nd Century believe Styles is the agent that shaped their terrifying future and therefore must die...
The Doctor and Jo find themselves flung into the guerrillas’ world; a brutal dictatorship policed by the merciless and ape-like Ogrons. The Daleks have invaded Earth, enslaved the population and face certain triumph unless the Doctor betrays all he believes in and condones the cold-blooded murder of Styles in an attempt to change the course of history... forever.
Special Features
Disk 1
- 4 x 25 mins approx colour episodes with mono audio (Original Version).
- Commentary - stereo. With actors Anna Barry and Jim Winston, producer Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks and vision mixer Mike Catherwood.
- Blasting the Past (dur. 30’ 30”) – cast and crew look back on the making of this story. With actors Katy Manning, Jimmy Winston and Anna Barry, producer Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks, monster maker John Friedlander, Dalek operator Ricky Newby, Dalek voice artiste Nicholas Briggs, classic series writer Ben Aaronovitch, new series writer Paul Cornell and Doctor Who Magazine writer Dave Owen.
- A View from the Gallery – producer Barry Letts and vision mixer Mike Catherwood talk about the art of vision mixing on a multi-camera studio show like Doctor Who.
- Nationwide – a report from a primary school on the day they took delivery of a Dalek, first prize in a Radio Times competition.
- Blue Peter – presenter Peter Purves remembers his time as a companion to William Hartnell’s Doctor and is joined in the studio by a trio of Daleks.
- Photo Gallery - production, design and publicity photos from the story.
- 4 x 25 mins approx colour episodes with mono audio (Special Edition).
- The Making of Day of the Daleks – Special Edition – producer Steve Broster guides us through the creation of his Special Edition of this story. With voice artiste Nicholas Briggs, audio engineer Mark Ayres, cameraman John Kelly, Dalek builder Toby Chamberlain, UNIT soldier Kevan Looseley and Ogron Nick Nicholson.
- Now and Then – the latest instalment of our long-running series revisits the locations used in Day of the Daleks to see how much or little they have changed over the years. Narrated by Toby Hadoke.
- The UNIT Family – Part Two – the second instalment of our series looking at the Doctor’s years on Earth as scientific advisor to the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce and the strong family bonds created during that time. With Katy Manning, Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks, actors Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, Richard Franklin and Fernanda Marlowe, stuntman Derek Ware.
- The UNIT Dating Conundrum – over the years, many fans have tried to rationalise the chronological setting of the UNIT stories from clues within the narrative, despite the obstacles seemingly put in their way by the production team. Narrator Toby Hadoke explains why dating the stories is so difficult, assisted by Terrance Dicks, Dave Owen, Nicholas Briggs and Ben Aaronovitch.
- The Cheating Memory – Special Edition producer Steve Broster tries to discover why the reality of Day of the Daleks doesn’t quite live up to the memory he has of first seeing it, aged six. With psychologist Dr. Sarita Robinson, Nicholas Briggs and Ben Aaronovitch.
Colony in Space
Release Date: 3rd or 24th October 2011 (available for pre-order)
Starring Jon Pertwee as Doctor Who, with Katy Manning as Jo Grant
Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael Briant
Broadcast: 10th April - 15 May 1971
The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon and decide to send the Doctor to retrieve it for them.
The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Jo to the desolate planet Uxarieus in the year 2472. There they become involved in a dispute between some beleaguered colonists and the crew of an Interplanetary Mining Corporation (IMC) spaceship over the ownership rights to the planet. The Doctor learns that the indigenous Primitives and their High Priests worship a large machine tended by a creature called the Guardian.
The single disc release features remastered versions of all six episodes, and includes the restoration of four seconds of material missing from the original VHS release of the story.
Special Features
Release Date: 3rd or 24th October 2011 (available for pre-order)

Written by Malcolm Hulke
Directed by Michael Briant
Broadcast: 10th April - 15 May 1971
The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon and decide to send the Doctor to retrieve it for them.
The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Jo to the desolate planet Uxarieus in the year 2472. There they become involved in a dispute between some beleaguered colonists and the crew of an Interplanetary Mining Corporation (IMC) spaceship over the ownership rights to the planet. The Doctor learns that the indigenous Primitives and their High Priests worship a large machine tended by a creature called the Guardian.
The single disc release features remastered versions of all six episodes, and includes the restoration of four seconds of material missing from the original VHS release of the story.
Special Features
- Commentary - cast members Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Bernard Kay (Caldwell), Morris Perry (Dent), plus Michael Briant (director), Terrance Dicks (script editor), and Graeme Harper (assistant floor manager); moderated by Toby Hadoke
- IMC Needs You! - documentary on the making of the story, featuring Katy Manning, Bernard Kay, Michael Briant, Graeme Harper, plus producer Barry Letts.
- From the Cutting Room Floor - trims from the location and model filming, including annotations
- Coming Soon - a trailer for a forthcoming DVD release
- Programme subtitles
- Subtitle Production Notes
- Photo Gallery - production, design and publicity photos from the story
- Radio Times Listings in Adobe PDF format
The BBFC have passed a trailer for a 2012 boxed set, The UNIT Box; no other details are known about this at present.
The remaining stories involving the Doctor's "earth-based family" that have yet to be announced include The Ambassadors of Death, The Mind of Evil, The Daemons, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Terror of the Zygons and The Android Invasion.
Meanwhile, the Classic Doctor Who team have continued to keep readers appraised with the developments on future releases over Twitter (summary over the last month detailed below). This includes a new feed dedicated to the Restoration Team, which can be followed on Twitter via @RTnewsfeed.
11 Jul Ed Stradling: Article on March's filming of the #doctorwho Android Invasion DVD here
11 Jul ClassicDW: Lee Binding provides first drafts of R1 and R2 COLONY IN SPACE sleeves.
12 Jul ClassicDW: A lot of Qs coming in re REVISITATIONS 4. No current plans for this.
Are there other early releases buyers would like to see revisited?
13 Jul Ed Stradling: starting prep work today on an obituary #doctorwho DVD feature for Barry Letts
14 Jul ClassicDW: Signed off enjoyable doc about DEATH TO THE DALEKS from Chris Chapman
14 Jul Chris Chapman: Have just been commissioned to put together a VERY exciting making-of!
14 Jul Chris Chapman: Anyone ever hear what became of the small boy in Reign of Terror -
Peter Walker? He'd be nearly 60 now and we're trying to track him down!
15 Jul RTnewsfeed: Gearing up for heavy workload next week, delivering VAM packages for
four Doctor Who releases. Two full days in grading at TV Centre!
17 Jul RTnewsfeed: Busy times ahead for the Restoration Team's Mark Ayres with two
new 5.1 surround mixes commissioned.
18 Jul RTnewsfeed: The RT's Steve Roberts sitting down to edit Hon Sarah Ward's meeting
with Michael Aspel for a future release.
20 Jul ClassicDW: Finished stock for the SUN MAKERS has just arrived! That was early!!
20 Jul RTnewsfeed: The RT's Steve Roberts is sitting in a grading suite at TV Centre with
colourist Paul Warren, grading VAM for Nightmare of Eden.
21 Jul Mark Ayres: Commentaries for #drwho #doctorwho The Sensorites DVD uploaded to
ClassicDW for checking. Hopefully he'll just tick the box!
21 Jul ClassicDW: Rough of SENSORITES commentary in from Mark Ayres. That's much of
Thursday all used up!! Lovely to hear W.Russell & C.A.Ford together.
21 Jul Chris Chapman: DVD of Colony in Space due out in October - featuring my next
Who documentary 'IMC Needs You!' lots of lovely quarry anecdotes!
22 Jul Ed Stradling: A RTnewsfeed ClassicDW grading day at BBC TV Centre - various extras
for #drwho Dragonfire, H Patrol & Face of Evil.
22 Jul RTnewsfeed: The Sensorites DVD commentaries signed off. Audio files
ftp'd from Mark Ayres to Peter Crocker for layback to video masters.
25 Jul Ed Stradling: Watched good DVD feature by Thomas Guerrier on Sun Makers
DVD. Excellent use of clips.
26 Jul Chris Chapman: The mystery of Peter R Newman, eh? Hey... that might make a
good subject for a DVD documentary...
28 Jul Mark Ayres: DVD commentary for #drwho #doctorwho The Face of Evil submitted to
ClassicDW for review. It contains the word "fettling"
28 Jul ClassicDW: Rough version of THE FACE OF EVIL comm in from Mark Ayres. Sounds like
a tremendous full studio: "I'm out to kill Leela!"
28 Jul Mark Ayres: "Fettling" passed muster; Face of Evil DVD masters uploaded
to ftp. I will now attempt to take a couple of weeks off #drwho
28 Jul ClassicDW: What a troupe! @Tobyhadoke and team at the comm recording for
28 Jul ClassicDW: Oh, DAY OF THE DALEKS Disc 2 is WONDERFUL!!!
1 Aug Steve Roberts: A day of ClassicDW paperwork awaits. Writing up asset notes for
four titles delivering very soon!
1 Aug Steve Roberts: Paperwork just about done, pending Ed getting his ass into gear
and delivering his clearance forms. ;)
2 Aug Chris Chapman: Ok, fingers crossed that August 31st works for all my interviewees-
if so, that'll be my filming day for Greatest Show and Reign.
2 Aug Chris Chapman: Am wondering if I can squeeze 10 interviews into a day...
normally do nine... my brain may bubble out by the end... aw, go on!
5 Aug Ed Stradling: Some more graphics & editing today on that political #doctorwho
feature for happiness patrol dvd
8 Aug Ed Stradling: Looking through long interview with Nick Courtney and Tom Baker
which Michael McManus did last year. So many funny but un-usable gags from Tom!