Alt.Fiction Literature Festival 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster

The event's co-Guest of Honour is Dan Abnett, author of Border Princes and of some 40+ comics/novels in his career; he will be making a keynote address on the Saturday, as well as panels, readings and podcasts.
Long-term Doctor Who writers and modern series contributors Paul Cornell (Father's Day, Human Nature/Family of Blood) and Rob Shearman (Dalek) are also at the event, alongside a number of other BBC Books writers including
Guy Adams, Paul Finch, James Goss, Una McCormack, Mark Morris, Sarah Pinborough and books editor Steve Tribe.
Tribe says:
We’re really pleased to be bringing the authors of our latest Doctor Who and Torchwood books to Alt.Fiction 2011. Last year’s event was a highlight of the year – a great opportunity to talk to readers and authors, and perhaps to meet some potential future writers for our ranges.
Alt.Fiction Coordinator Alex Davis says:It's hugely exciting to be working with BBC Books on this year's event, and I'm delighted to have authors and screenwriters of this calibre taking part. Our BBC Books panel is bound to be a highlight, with no less than nine people participating!
As well as the Doctor Who guests, the Festival will some 50+ authors, agents and editors participating, covering the worlds of science fiction, fantasy and horror. For full details visit the Alt.Fiction website.
(with thanks to Aaron Gilling, Writing East Midlands)