Title for Series Six confirmed

Friday, 18 March 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
The BBC have now confirmed the title for episode one of the new series as The Impossible Astronaut, which will be broadcast at Easter; the title and date were given at the end of the Comic Relief Doctor Who special sketches broadcast this evening.

BBC America confirmed the date for the US premier last week.

The BBC's Doctor Who site is planning to mark the start of the series with a specially prepared prequel:
We'll be launching the Prequel to the series' opening two-parter very soon. It's an eerie sequence written by Steven Moffat (Doctor Who's Lead Writer, Executive Producer and writer of the opening story) that sets the scene in scary and mysterious style. It introduces us to the world the Doctor will collide with in the next adventure and watch carefully... was that the new monster..?

The first prequel stars Stuart Milligan and introduces us to story strands that will bind the Doctor - and enthral his audience - throughout the weeks ahead. We'll bring you more details soon, but be warned, it's a scary one...

This article has been amended to correct a dating error which could lead to confusion..

FILTER: - Series 6/32