Piers Wenger steps down as Head of Drama, BBC Wales
Monday, 7 March 2011 - Reported by Chuck Foster
A BBC Press release today has revealed that Piers Wenger, one of the excutive producers and creative influences of the Eleventh Doctor's era of Doctor Who, is stepping down as Head of Drama at BBC Wales. His successor in the role will be Faith Penhale, creative manager and executive producer at Kudus Film and Television (Spooks).
The release goes on to explain:
Piers Wenger, who joined BBC Wales in 2007 and, with Stephen Moffat and Beth Willis masterminded the latest regeneration of Doctor Who with Matt Smith, will continue in his role as creative leader of a range of key shows including the Doctor.
Wenger was responsible for the highly successful relaunch of Upstairs Downstairs as well as the extraordinary Eric And Ernie, which was the most successful drama on BBC Two for more than a decade. Having previously held the post as Head of Drama, he now wishes to focus more exclusively on the running of his existing slate of in-house shows as well as the creative development of individual projects, including Sir Tom Stoppard's forthcoming five-part adaptation of the Ford Madox Ford novel Parade's End for BBC Two.
Wenger went on to say:
The release goes on to explain:

Wenger was responsible for the highly successful relaunch of Upstairs Downstairs as well as the extraordinary Eric And Ernie, which was the most successful drama on BBC Two for more than a decade. Having previously held the post as Head of Drama, he now wishes to focus more exclusively on the running of his existing slate of in-house shows as well as the creative development of individual projects, including Sir Tom Stoppard's forthcoming five-part adaptation of the Ford Madox Ford novel Parade's End for BBC Two.
I am absolutely thrilled for Wales that it has someone as brilliant and experienced as Faith to bring in the next generation of shows. The department has blazed a trail across a wide portfolio of in-house and indie shows in the last few years and it’s exciting for us all to have someone with Faith’s huge talent to build on their success.