Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens - Appreciation Index

Monday, 21 June 2010 - Reported by Marcus
Doctor Who: The Pandorica OpensThe Appreciation Index figure for Episode Twelve of Doctor Who, The Pandorica Opens, was 88, highest of the series so far.

The Appreciation Index or AI is a measure of how much the audience enjoyed the programme. Any score over 85 is considered excellent. The score was the joint highest on any of the four main channels for the day.

The Sunday repeat on BBC Three was watched by 0.47 million viewers, with the last part winning its timeslot amongst the multi-channel stations.

With Sunday's overnight figures now available, Doctor Who is currently 16th for the week. This should rise considerably when the final figure is released next week.

Doctor Who Confidential recieved an AI of 85 on Saturday and the Sunday repeat was watched by 0.30 million viewers.

FILTER: - Ratings - UK - Series 5/31