Flesh and Stone - Ratings

Sunday, 2 May 2010 - Reported by Marcus
Flesh and StoneUnofficial overnight figures show Flesh and Stone was watched by 6.9 million viewers with a share of 34.5% of the audience.

6.53 million watched on BBC One, where it was again the most watched programme of the evening, with an additional 0.34 million watching on BBC HD.

The audience on BBC One once more built throughout the episode to a peak of 7.15 million, before dropping by around 2 million as the episode finished.

Britain's Got Talent once more won the evening with 10.3 million watching.

With one day to come, Doctor Who is the twelfth most watched programme of the week so far, a position which should rise when final figures are calculated next week.

FILTER: - Ratings - UK - Series 5/31